Monday, April 22, 2013

17. sometimes, we get a rejection letter.

Recently, I applied to be a Chick-Fil-A Franchise Operator. Not a manager, but a real owner. All they require is a $5,000 investment, surviving about 100 interviews with higher-ups, and then they give you the rest  of the funds to build, own and operate the franchise.

I thought, "This should be easy, I like leading people. How hard can it be to hire a few people, learn some rules and then get a franchise running?" The best part was how confident I was submitting the application. It is a bunch of "fill in your name, address, phone number" kind of stuff, accompanied by a few "yes" or "no" questions. "Have you committed a felony?",  "NO! I am clearly qualified for this," I thought.  There was only one space to brag about yourself on this interview: when they ask you about relevant experience. Now, I had done my research and I knew what they were looking for: entrepreneur, financially responsible, someone who would just own one business at a time, faith, loves people, etcetera. I was GOLDEN, just like those delicious chicken nuggets!

Once I got to the relevant experience question, I had to decide which leadership role to use. Sometimes people aren't very excited about hiring people who have been in sororities, so I didn't include that leadership role. There were other random Kansas State University leadership roles, but even those I didn't want to include. I mentioned them of course, but the one I really focused on was my middle school young ladies "Small Group Director" leadership experience. From many angles it sounds like a small business, so I went with it. I submitted the application and thought, "This is GOOD!" I knew I was going to own a Chick-Fil-A Franchise, simply because how crazy it sounded. I prayed before I sent in the application and off it went into cyber space. 

A few minutes later, I got a call from Atlanta... Chick-Fil-A headquarters. My heart was pounding and I thought, "An interview?? ALREADY? I just submitted my application 17 seconds ago! What am I going to say? I haven't owned a business.. what was I thinking!?!?" Regardless, I picked up the phone. Meredith was on the other line, asking me about my application. Turns out there had been a glitch and it wasn't submitted properly. I had to try again. 

So, I did. And then I waited. No phone call this time. The next day went by, and less than 24 hours later I got an e-mail from Chick-Fil-A. Here it is:

Needless to say, I didn't get the job. The funny thing is: I was convinced that it was mine. Even more so, I was convinced that this was God's plan for me because it played to my strengths and talents, despite how outlandish it sounded. I prayed for direction and I certainly got it. 

This helps me to trust God more. He guides me on the right path, and when I get off track, He sends me a rejection letter. Don't think God isn't looking out for you because your plans aren't working out. Sometimes, that's the greatest sign that He is in fact looking out for you.

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