Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7. the earth could have been a giant desert

This is a picture from somewhere between Big Bear and Orange County, CA. Probably closer to Big Bear with a view like that. Being in Big Bear made me think many profound things, but one smacked me on the head like a ton of bricks...

God could have put us anywhere

Earth could have been a giant bubbling bowl of witch's brew. It could have been one island with one food and your thirst quenched by salt water. It could have been a giant desert. But it isn't. We live in this spectacular place filled with beauty and awe. I mean, when you look at this beautiful creation, how can you not believe in a Creator? I have some pregnant friends, and when I think about pregnancy, I wonder, "How can this not scream of a creator that is bigger than His creation?" (I mean just think about it)... 

We find this written in Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

God could have put us anywhere, but He chose this beautiful place for us to reveal Himself one scene at a time. Take that in. Breathe in the fresh air knowing it was meant to woo you. Sit under a mature maple and be covered by the umbrella of His lovely creation. 
Be wooed and enveloped, that is precisely what He intended. 

Princess Madison and I conquering one giant rock at a time. 
Big Bear Lake, with lots of ducks that Madison
would really like to get acquainted with.

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