Saturday, October 6, 2012

.the start of something great.

Have you ever been SO joyful that your joy spills over like an overflowed tub? It starts flowing into the lives of everyone around you, and then they are spilling it over? Your life becomes a flood... of joy.

That overflow is why this blog exists. There is so much to be said about God and His faithfulness. I am an avid journaler and my pages leave behind proof puddles of this very fact. I thought to myself, what does this world need more of? If I were to use my life to pour into others, what would I want them to know? After lots of thinking, the answer actually ended up being quite simple.

Life isn't always full of happiness, bad things happen; we get unhappy. But there is ALWAYS something to be joyful about. Joy heals the heart. The secret to finding it in this life is to TRUST GOD, and realize that joy is simply seeing God and knowing He's ALWAYS with you. If He created the earth, I can trust Him with my soul. I don't want to do life alone. And if you're reading this, you probably don't want to either.

This blog will be my greatest attempt to help you to see God; I hope you stay on the journey. I hope you find Him. I hope you realize you've already been found by Him.

"You have searched me, 
LORD, and you know me. 
You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways."
 -- Psalm 139:1-3

On the journey together,


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